Prices and pricing model

Monthly fees consist of a fixed part and a variable part, usage-based.

basic monthly fee

19 €/month + VAT

variable monthly feeS

+ 1 €/enrollment + VAT

+19/29/49/79/109 €/month + VAT until 30/100/200/300/500 bookings per month
+19/29/49/79/109 €/month + VAT until 30/100/200/300/500 orders per month


  • Calculated enrollments include only valid existing registrations for courses / events started during the previous month and valid registrations for "online courses" made during the previous month (courses without start / end date) 
  • All valid enrollments are included, even if the price of the course / event is 0.
  • Course bookings not taken into account
  • If the number of registrations, reservations or orders does not exceed 10, they will not be invoiced
  • In the months when there is no activity, the basic fee will be reduced by 9 € / month + VAT.